Cohiba Black Gigante (6″ x 60) Box of 20

Original price was: $663.99.Current price is: $500.99.

Cohiba Black Gigante

The Cohiba Black Gigante was given a 85-point rating in 2009.

Cohiba has been a leading brand in the cigar industry for a considerable period and has a reputation for venturing beyond conventional boundaries. Introducing the Cohiba Black – a cigar with an almost pure black Connecticut Broadleaf Maduro wrapper that encases a blend of Dominican and Mexican tobacco long filler aged for over three years. Despite its dark appearance, this cigar’s blend of tobaccos actually places it on the medium-bodied side of the spectrum. This sets it apart from other cigars of similar color, which tend to be full-bodied in flavor. Regarding its flavor profile, the Cohiba Black cigar presents distinct notes of cocoa, espresso, wood, robust leather, and a pleasant natural sweetness.


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