Ashton Cigars
Ashton Cigars is synonymous with premium craftsmanship, offering a range of cigars that elevate any smoking experience. Whether you’re new to cigars or a seasoned aficionado, Ashton delivers the perfect balance of luxury, flavor, and consistency.
Ashton Classic: For those seeking a refined yet approachable smoke, the Ashton Classic is the ideal choice. Its smooth, creamy profile with hints of cedar and light spice makes it the perfect everyday cigar. The mild-to-medium-bodied experience is perfect for those who appreciate a delicate, balanced smoke that never compromises on quality.
Ashton VSG (Virgin Sun Grown): If you’re ready to take your cigar journey to the next level, the Ashton VSG delivers a full-bodied, complex experience that’s second to none. With its rich sun-grown Ecuadorian wrapper and aged Dominican fillers, the VSG combines bold flavors of leather, spice, and earth—offering a sophisticated smoke for those who truly appreciate depth and character.
Ashton ESG (Estate Sun Grown): The Ashton ESG is where luxury meets craftsmanship. Crafted from the finest sun-grown wrappers from an exclusive estate, the ESG offers a rich, full-bodied smoke with deep flavors of coffee, earth, and dark chocolate. This is the ultimate cigar for those seeking the highest level of refinement and a truly extraordinary smoking experience.
Ashton Cabinet: The Ashton Cabinet line is a true classic, providing a smooth, mild-to-medium-bodied smoke that’s perfect for any occasion. With its flawless construction and flavors of light cedar, nutmeg, and cream, the Cabinet offers a sophisticated profile that’s perfect for those who appreciate elegance and subtlety.
Ashton Categories
Organic House Blends
These Organic cigars offer the same smooth, refined experience as Ashton, but at a fraction of the price. More and more Ashton Cigar Smokers are making the switch every day, discovering exceptional quality and value without compromising on flavor. Take a look at the Organic House Blend Page Page Here