Davidoff Winston Churchill Cigars
Davidoff Winston Churchill
The Davidoff Winston Churchill was awarded an outstanding 90-point rating on multiple occasions.
Davidoff wanted to create a cigar to honor the Prime Minister of Great Britain during World War II, Winston Churchill. Trying to create a cigar wrapped around the man whose last name is now a regular name’s sake in the cigar world is not small task, and any lesser companies might not have been able to pull it off, but Davidoff nailed it.
The Davidoff Winston Churchill is medium bodied smoke that is a 4-country powerhouse blend of the best tobaccos found on the planet, first is the beautiful flawless Ecuadorian Habano wrapper, jam packed of three different Dominican and two different Nicaraguan tobaccos for the long fillers, and to hold it all together is a spicy Mexican Negro San Andres binder. With the use of all these different tobaccos the tasting notes of this magnificent cigar include smooth cream, coffee, pepper, cedar and spices though out.
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