Hammer & Sickle Trademark Cigars


Hammer Sickle Icon Cigars

Hammer & Sickle Cigars Made By Davidoff

Smooth and creamy is the jaw dropping flavor you’ll get when you smoke one of these jewels. The Hammer & Sickle cigars are the ones to beat when it comes to cigars that stand out from the crowd. They’re a show-stopper for sure, with stunning full-bodied premiums displayed in custom-designed boxes. These handmade cigars represent the labor, blood, and tears that have gone into the industrial and agricultural creation of quality cigars. The cigar brand, which debuted in 2010, was named after the iconic Hammer & Sickle vodka line. What’s even more important is these are Davidoff cigars re-banded. If you love Davidoff cigars, but don’t want to pay the price tag, get some of these hidden gems. The Hammer & Sickle icon Trademark blend is the same blend as the Davidoff white label. You just can’t go wrong with these cigars. You’ll thank us later.


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Hammer & Sickle Trademark
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