My Father Cigars
My Father Cigars offers a premium smoking experience that’s second to none, crafted by the renowned García family who has perfected the art of cigar making for decades. With a dedication to exceptional quality, bold flavors, and flawless craftsmanship, My Father cigars are a must-try for anyone seeking a cigar that delivers complexity and sophistication in every puff.
My Father The Judge
The Judge recently received cigar of the year 2024 award from Cigar Aficionado, and is the ultimate choice for cigar enthusiasts who crave intensity and power. Wrapped in a dark, Sumatra Oscuro leaf, it offers a bold, full-bodied smoke with rich flavors of black pepper, dark chocolate, and espresso. The smooth, creamy finish ensures an unforgettable experience. If you’re looking for a cigar that makes a statement, My Father The Judge delivers on every level.
My Father La Gran Oferta
La Gran Oferta ” The Grand Offer” combines refinement and flavor in perfect harmony. This medium-bodied masterpiece offers a smooth Ecuadorian Habano wrapper with Nicaraguan filler tobaccos that deliver a balanced mix of spice, cream, wood, and a subtle hint of leather. With its approachable yet flavorful profile, La Gran Oferta is perfect for those who appreciate a smooth, sophisticated smoke with layers of complexity.
My Father Le Bijou 1922
The Le Bijou 1922 is a cigar that truly stands out. With its rich Nicaraguan blend and Ecuadorian Habano Oscuro wrapper, Le Bijou 1922 offers a full-bodied smoke with bold flavors of leather, dark chocolate, and pepper, balanced by a smooth, creamy finish. This is a cigar for those who crave both strength and refinement in every draw, making it a perfect choice for seasoned smokers looking to elevate their cigar experience.
My Father The Original
My Father The Original is the epitome of bold, full-bodied flavor. With its signature peppery notes, rich earthiness, and hints of cocoa and wood, this cigar celebrates the Garcia family’s rich legacy in cigar making. The Original offers a smoking experience that’s bold yet smooth, making it a go-to for those who appreciate a strong, flavorful cigar that delivers an unforgettable experience.
My Father Cigars Is On Top
When you choose My Father Cigars, you’re choosing a brand with a rich history of craftsmanship and a commitment to delivering cigars that stand out in both flavor and quality. Whether you prefer the intensity of The Judge, the balance of La Gran Oferta, or the rich complexity of Le Bijou 1922, My Father Cigars guarantees a premium, memorable smoking experience with every cigar. Elevate your cigar collection today with My Father, where passion and quality meet in every puff.
Organic House Blends
These Organic cigars offer the same smooth, refined experience as My Father Cigars, but at a fraction of the price. More and more My Father Cigar Smokers are making the switch every day, discovering exceptional quality and value without compromising on flavor. Take a look at the Organic House Blend Page Page Here