My Father Cigars 15 Year History and Review

My Father Cigars: A Legacy of Excellence

My Father Cigars is a brand synonymous with quality, craftsmanship, and a rich heritage in the cigar world. Founded by legendary cigar maker Don José “Pepin” Garcia, the brand has become a symbol of tradition and innovation, blending time-honored techniques with modern flair to create some of the most sought-after cigars in the industry.

Image of Don Pepin, the founder of My Father Cigars

The Story Behind My Father Cigars

The journey of My Father Cigars began with Don Pepin Garcia, a Cuban immigrant with a deep passion for cigar making. Born in Cuba, Pepin honed his skills in the heart of the island’s tobacco country, where he started rolling cigars at the age of 11. After emigrating to the United States in 2001, he quickly made a name for himself in the cigar industry with his unique blending style and commitment to quality. In 2003, he founded El Rey de Los Habanos in Miami, a small factory that soon gained a reputation for producing top-tier cigars.

As his reputation grew, so did the demand for his cigars, leading to the establishment of the My Father Cigars brand in 2008. Named in honor of Pepin’s son, Jaime Garcia, who plays a crucial role in the company’s operations, My Father Cigars quickly became a benchmark for excellence in the cigar industry. The brand’s factory, located in Estelí, Nicaragua, is now one of the most respected in the world, known for producing cigars that consistently receive high ratings and accolades.

Open box of My Father Cigars, with three my father cigars standing side by side

The Craftsmanship

One of the defining characteristics of My Father Cigars is the meticulous attention to detail in every step of the cigar-making process. The brand sources its tobacco from its own farms in Nicaragua, ensuring that only the finest leaves are used. The tobacco undergoes a rigorous aging process, which can last several years, to achieve the perfect balance of flavors. The blending process is overseen by Don Pepin and Jaime Garcia themselves, ensuring that each cigar meets their exacting standards.

The cigars are rolled by some of the most skilled torcedores (cigar rollers) in the industry, many of whom have decades of experience. The result is a cigar that not only looks beautiful but also smokes flawlessly, with a perfect draw and even burn.

Tasting Notes

  • My Father Le Bijou 1922: This full-bodied cigar offers bold, complex flavors right from the start. Expect a burst of black pepper on the initial draw, mellowing into rich notes of dark chocolate, espresso, and earthy undertones. The smoke is dense and creamy, with a long, satisfying finish that leaves a lingering spice on the palate.
  • Flor de Las Antillas: A medium-bodied cigar that strikes a perfect balance between sweetness and spice. Initial flavors include nutmeg and cocoa, with a subtle white pepper spice that complements the creamy texture. As you progress, the cigar develops a slightly woody character with hints of leather, finishing with a smooth, buttery sweetness.
  • Flor de Las Antillas Maduro offers a rich and robust smoking experience with deep, complex flavors. You’ll first notice a burst of dark chocolate and espresso, accompanied by a subtle sweetness from the Nicaraguan sun-grown Maduro wrapper. As you continue, notes of black pepper and earthy undertones emerge, adding layers of depth. The finish is smooth, with hints of dried fruit and a touch of spice, making this medium to full-bodied cigar a satisfying and flavorful smoke.
  • My Father The Judge: A robust smoke with a dark Ecuadorian Sumatra wrapper, this cigar starts off with strong cedar and leather notes, quickly followed by rich, earthy flavors. There’s a slight sweetness that balances the intensity, with hints of cocoa and a touch of cinnamon spice on the finish.
  • Jaime Garcia Reserva Especial: This cigar is rich and earthy, with initial flavors of dark chocolate and black coffee. As it burns, you’ll notice a sweetness from the Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper, along with hints of black pepper and a creamy, smooth finish.
  • My Father Vegas Cubanas New Blend: A medium-bodied smoke that’s both smooth and flavorful. The initial draw brings out notes of cedar and leather, with a subtle spice that adds depth. As you continue, the cigar reveals a creamy texture with hints of nuts and a gentle sweetness, making for a well-rounded and satisfying smoke.
  • My Father Connecticut delivers a smooth and creamy smoke with notes of cedar, toasted almonds, and a hint of white pepper. As you progress, subtle sweetness emerges, reminiscent of honey, with a touch of coffee on the finish. This medium-bodied cigar offers a well-balanced and refined experience, perfect for those who enjoy a more nuanced flavor profile.
  • My Father La Gran Oferta cigars deliver a bold, full-bodied experience with rich flavors of pepper, cocoa, and roasted coffee. Wrapped in an Ecuadorian Habano Rosado, this cigar offers a smooth balance of spice, earthy undertones, and a hint of sweetness, making it a satisfying smoke from start to finish.
  • My Father La Opulencia cigars provide a luxurious, full-bodied smoking experience with a perfect balance of richness and complexity. Wrapped in a Mexican Rosado Oscuro leaf, these cigars offer initial notes of dark chocolate and earth, followed by a blend of leather, pepper, and sweet caramel. As you smoke, hints of espresso and spice emerge, rounding out the rich flavor profile. With its smooth draw and even burn, La Opulencia delivers a sophisticated and indulgent experience.
  • My Father La Promesa cigars offer a medium to full-bodied experience with rich notes of pepper, cedar, and leather. The Ecuadorian Habano Oscuro wrapper introduces hints of cocoa and subtle sweetness, leading to a smooth, flavorful finish. This well-balanced cigar delivers complexity and satisfaction throughout.

Overall Impression

My Father Cigars consistently delivers on quality, flavor, and craftsmanship. Whether you prefer a full-bodied powerhouse or a smooth, medium-bodied smoke, there’s a My Father cigar that’s perfect for you. The brand’s dedication to excellence is evident in every puff, making their cigars a must-try for any serious aficionado.

Why My Father Cigars Stand Out

What sets My Father Cigars apart is not just the exceptional quality of their cigars but also the passion and dedication that go into every aspect of their production. The Garcia family’s commitment to excellence is evident in every cigar they produce, making My Father Cigars a go-to choice for aficionados who appreciate the finer things in life.

Whether you’re a seasoned smoker or new to the world of premium cigars, My Father Cigars offers something for everyone. Their cigars are more than just a smoke; they are a testament to the art and tradition of cigar making, a true embodiment of craftsmanship, and a legacy that continues to grow. With a My Father cigar in hand, you’re not just enjoying a premium product—you’re experiencing a piece of cigar history.

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