Padron Family Reserve 95 Natural
The PadrΓ³n Family Reserve cigars are renowned in the cigar community for their exceptional quality and limited production. The cigars are crafted with great attention to detail, utilizing aged Nicaraguan tobaccos to create a smoking experience that is both rich and complex.
- The wrapper of the milk chocolate is silky smooth to the touch. Wrapper fragrances include cedar, black pepper, sweet cream, and a floral notes.
- The cigar smells of raisins, earth, dark chocolate, leather, and powerful black pepper. After a straight cut, the cold pull has creamy cedar, dank earth, chocolate nibs, leather, nuts, black pepper, and subtle vanilla bean sweetness.
- On the first pull you’ll notice a pleasant vanilla bean sweetness that lasts to the finish of the cigar.
Padron Family Reserve 95 Natural Ratings
- The Family Reserve cigars continue to hold an almost permanent spot in Cigar Aficionado’s Top 25 due to their excellent quality, mixing expertise, and access to the world’s finest tobacco. Padron Family Reserve 95 Natural has a deserved rating of 97 in 2018
Padron Family Reserve 95 Natural Video
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