CLE Chele

CLE Chele cigars have a rich history rooted in the passion and expertise of its founder, Christian Eiroa. Eiroa, a prominent figure in the cigar industry, is known for his deep knowledge of tobacco cultivation and cigar production. He established CLE Cigars with the aim of creating high-quality, distinctive cigars that appeal to discerning smokers.

Tasting Notes

CLE Chele cigars offer a complex and refined smoking experience with a range of tasting notes that appeal to the palate. Upon lighting, you’ll notice an initial burst of rich, creamy flavors with hints of toasted nuts and a touch of sweet spice. As you progress, the cigar develops a deeper profile with notes of dark chocolate and espresso, complemented by subtle undertones of cedar and earthiness.

The finish is smooth and lingering, with a delicate sweetness that balances the cigar’s robust flavors. The well-aged tobacco used in CLE Chele cigars ensures a balanced and harmonious blend, making each puff a delightful exploration of nuanced flavors and aromas.


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Original price was: $246.99.Current price is: $228.99.
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Original price was: $246.99.Current price is: $228.99.
Original price was: $279.99.Current price is: $241.99.
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Original price was: $311.99.Current price is: $258.99.