Home » Asylum Nyctophilia

Asylum Nyctophilia

Asylum Nyctophilia Cigars

Welcome to the world of Asylum Nyctophilia, a groundbreaking creation in the cigar industry as the first-ever Triple Maduro cigar. This bold masterpiece is crafted with meticulous care at Christian Eiroa’s renowned El Aladino workshop in Nicaragua. At its core lies the rich and spicy Nicaraguan fillers, enveloped in a sable San Andres wrapper that embodies the essence of darkness. Nyctophilia is more than just a cigar; it’s an experience that appeals to those with a passion for the night, a deep admiration for the shadows.

Nyctophilia is defined as a “passion for the night” or “adoration of the shadows,” which is fitting for this cigar, one of the darkest Maduro cigars ever made. The Asylum Nyctophilia offers an intense medium-to-full-bodied profile that is not for the faint of heart. Its flavor complexity is unparalleled, with notes of spicy black pepper that awaken the senses, followed by hints of fruit, earth, and dark roast coffee. As you delve deeper into the smoking experience, you’ll uncover layers of chocolate and cedar that add depth and richness to every puff.

This cigar is meticulously handcrafted to ensure that every detail is perfect, from the construction to the draw, offering an exceptionally smooth and consistent smoking experience. The Asylum Nyctophilia is designed for the serious and seasoned smoker who appreciates the art of cigar-making and is eager to explore the darker, more intense side of the spectrum.

Whether you’re drawn to its unique flavor profile or intrigued by its status as the darkest Maduro cigar ever produced, the Asylum Nyctophilia promises to deliver an unforgettable smoking journey. It’s a cigar that challenges your senses and rewards your palate, making it a must-try for any true aficionado.


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