Perdomo Cigars
Perdomo Cigars is celebrated for its meticulous craftsmanship, rich flavor profiles, and commitment to tradition. With a diverse portfolio, Perdomo offers something for every palate, blending innovation with classic cigar-making expertise.
Perdomo 10th Anniversary Series:
A tribute to excellence, this line includes the 10th Anniversary Sun Grown with a nutty, earthy profile, and the 10th Anniversary Maduro, offering rich notes of chocolate and espresso. Both deliver smooth complexity with flawless construction.
Perdomo 20th Anniversary:
Celebrating two decades of excellence, this line is crafted with meticulously aged tobaccos. Offered in Sun Grown, Connecticut, and Maduro, it delivers rich, bold flavors with notes of cedar, espresso, and spice.
Perdomo 30th Anniversary:
Marking three decades of cigar-making mastery, this exclusive line showcases the pinnacle of Perdomo’s craftsmanship. Featuring aged tobaccos and a refined blend, the 30th Anniversary cigars offer a luxurious smoking experience with unmatched depth and complexity.
Perdomo Lot 23:
A well-balanced cigar featuring tobaccos grown exclusively on Perdomo’s Lot 23 farm in Nicaragua. Available in Connecticut, Maduro, and Sun Grown wrappers, it offers approachable flavors ranging from creamy and nutty to bold and spicy.
Perdomo Habano Bourbon Barrel-Aged:
This innovative line features tobaccos aged in bourbon barrels for added depth. Available in Connecticut, Sun Grown, and Maduro, it boasts rich, complex flavors with a unique bourbon essence.
Perdomo Inmenso Seventy:
Known for its large ring gauges, this line offers bold flavor in Sun Grown, Maduro, and Connecticut options, delivering a long-lasting, satisfying smoking experience.