Embark on a epic journey with Caldwell Collection Eastern Standard cigars, where a harmonious blend of Nicaraguan and Dominican tobaccos crafts a captivating flavor symphony. Earthy richness introduces the experience, paving the way for subtle transitions that reveal layers of complexity – delicate sweetness intertwines with hints of spice, occasionally accompanied by fleeting floral notes.

This medium to full strength cigar offers a balanced palate, catering to both seasoned enthusiasts and newcomers. Much more than a regular cigar, the Eastern Standard cigars are a testament to craftsmanship, inviting you to savor the orchestrated artistry of flavors woven into every draw, honoring the hands that cultivated the tobacco and the heritage of the cigar-making tradition.

Original price was: $439.99.Current price is: $320.99.
Original price was: $439.99.Current price is: $335.99.
Original price was: $549.99.Current price is: $365.99.