Padron 1926 Anniversary
Padron 1926 Anniversary Cigars
The Padron 1926 Anniversary cigar is one of the worlds special treats for mankind. Warning: You might have an out of body experience. For the Padron Anniversary cigar to be created, there are certain essentials that makes this cigar superior to all. The criteria: Padron name, blended refined tobaccos, aged five years or more and a well-aged sun-grown wrapper.
A Box Pressed Cigar Beauty
The Padron 1926 Anniversary is in a box pressed format, yet have that same superb taste that only Padron cigars can deliver. Each cigar comes with an artistic designed double band individually numbered just for you. Like all high class products, the Padron 1926 cigars are made especially for the cigar connoisseur who wants more than an ordinary smoking event.
A Recent Customer Review
“You won’t know the rest until you’ve smoked the best” said Timmy Duggan from South Boston an NHCIGARS.COM customer. Padron 1926 Anniversary cigars are in stock today. Grab a box while you can because these are always in high demand.